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European Waste Classification for Statistics, issue 2012

Classification Structure

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Description The European Waste Classification, issue 2012 (EWC) is a harmonised, non-exhaustive list of waste types. Each waste type is assigned a ‘‘six digit’’ code made up of three ‘‘two digit’’ sub-codes. Broadly speaking, the catalogue describes the type of process, industry or sector from which a waste type arises. The catalogue was developed by the European Union in order to provide a standard framework
Last Update
Contact Person Hillebrecht, Holger (phone +49 228 99 643 8760)


The downloadable files are ZIP-compressed and contain details regarding the classification owner and the copyright. The files are updated as needed, please note the last update date within the file name.

PDF XML (Claset) XML (Ge­ne­ri­co­de) CSV * XLS (Excel)
Com­ple­te Clas­si­fi­ca­tion
Struc­ture with Ex­pla­na­tion
xml icon 21 KiB
xml icon 4 KiB
csv icon 3 KiB
xls icon 40 KiB
xml icon 16 KiB
csv icon 3 KiB
xls icon 20 KiB
print ver­sion

* The files in the CSV-format are encoded in UTF-8 with Byte Order Mark (BOM). Please notice that using these files with a spreadsheet software might cause unintentional changes of the data! Use the files in the XLS/XLSX-format instead.