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Product Classification for Production Statistics, issue 2009

Classification Structure

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Description The Product Classification for Production Statistics, issue 2009 (GP 2009), provides a basis for the publication of data concerning produced goods and services in the area of mining and quarrying and manufacturing. Such information is (among other things) needed by enterprises and in sciences in order to analyse and assess labour markets and market opportunities. Furthermore its linkage with the Commodity Classification for Foreign Trade Statistics (WA) gives the opportunity to compare data of production statistics and foreign trade statistics, for example in order to determine the domestic availability of goods or to analyse the dependence on imports of certain merchandise markets. Moreover in its scope GP 2009 can generally help for the demarcation of the content of activities of the Classification of Economic Activities, issue 2008 (WZ 2008).

The products covered by GP 2009 include (in addition to (transportable) goods) so called industrial services (installation, repair, maintenance and finishing). The structure of GP 2009 was developed on the basis of the list of Products of the European Community (PRODCOM list, issue 2008) under extensive participation of data users and data producers in administration, economy, research and society. In this process the eight-digit PRODCOM items were further split (into nine-digit coded items) as far as necessary for national purpose. The outcome was a hierarchically structured GP 2009 with 29 product divisions (two-digit items), 104 product groups (three-digit items), 245 product classes (four-digit items), 592 product categories (five-digit items), 1583 product subcategories (six-digit items) and 5137 types of products (nine-digit items), which allow for a statistical classification of the produced goods and industrial services. The actual classification codes which are used by enterprises and local units when reporting to production surveys are assigned to the types of products.

GP 2009 is used since January 2009 und replaces the issue of 2002 (GP 2002).
Last Update
Owner Issued by: Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office), Wiesbaden,
Section "Classifications", Phone: +49 (0)611 75-3155, -2783, -2280, Fax: +49 (0)611 75-3953
Email: gp@destatis.de
Contact Person Meuser, Anton


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